Karen C. Wilson | Marketing & Communications | Ottawa, Canada

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7 DOs and DON’Ts of taking on controversial topics in your business content

If you're a business owner with an active social media presence, then more than likely you’ve found yourself in the position of wanting to post, share or comment on a controversial topic or opinion, but something holds you back. And for good reason! Wading into controversy isn't necessarily wrong for a business, but the response to your perspective can impact you as a person.

In the past, businesses have generally stuck to safe subjects that are industry-related or are on-brand. But if a business wants to stand out online, it’s important to consider the role controversial topics play in your marketing strategy. Even more important than your marketing strategy is your business values. Sometimes you speak out because you believe it’s the right thing to do.

If taking a stand about an issue is important to you, one thing to consider is who your audience is. Recent studies show that nearly two-thirds of millennials and Gen Z express a preference for brands with a point of view and stand for something.  And let's face it, with everything going on in the world right now, how a business handles controversial topics or opinions is coming up more and more. 

Before you take a stand, consider the following:

1) Be prepared for the certainty that not everyone will agree with you

People may comment, or they may quietly disagree. Taking a stand means you're establishing boundaries that may eliminate potential customers. (This isn’t just okay, by the way. It could actually be good for your business, depending on the views you share.) You can establish a defensible perspective by citing experts, research and data, but there will still be those who reject your stance. As a business, you need to accept this and know when to draw the line when it comes to how and when you’ll respond.

2) Don't take a stand with the intention of changing hearts and minds

Changing people's hearts and minds is a great bonus when it happens, but it shouldn't be the top priority. If you choose to take a stand on a controversial topic, you should do so because it feels right and is important to you and your business. Controversy may not change the way people feel about a particular issue, but it can build awareness and empathy around an issue, and that’s usually a good thing. 

3) The topic needs to be relevant to your business

If you speak out on a topic that isn’t relevant to your business in some way, it may come across in the wrong way. If there is a controversial topic you would like to speak about, ask yourself why it’s important for you and your business to have a voice on it. What facts and resources can you share to educate your audience while still relating to your business’ mission and values? If you can’t think of any, sometimes, it's better not to add to the noise.

4) Post with respect and research

When you post about something controversial, it should be done with respect and careful research. This means looking beyond what your friends are posting and researching credible sources for various viewpoints to ensure you post accurate and helpful information. It’s important to make sure you don’t post without considering multiple sides from credible sources because taking a stand based on misinformation will only damage your brand. Part of respect includes being mindful of the timing of when you share. 

5) Don’t go on a rant

Rants on controversial subjects can go very badly for businesses. It can show a lack of professionalism and permanently damage your business’ reputation. Once you post online, you can’t take it back. Be aware of the tone you use and how you communicate your perspective. Is your tone positive or negative? As easy as it is to get caught up in a moment and be flustered by an argument or situation, always be mindful of the long-term repercussions of what it is you are posting. Besides that, rants are hardly ever on brand.

6) Consider getting a second opinion before you hit publish

If you're unsure if what you want to post is a good idea, relevant to your brand, or are feeling uncertain of the wording, get a second opinion. If the second set of eyes thinks it’s still a post-worthy to be shared by your business, go ahead and hit publish.

7) Be present when it goes live and you share it

When it comes to posting controversial topics or opinions, the worst you can do is post it and forget about it. And while you don't have to wait around on social media for a flood of replies, you also don't want to leave it sitting there for hours without checking for reactions. If possible, turn on notifications, so you are notified when someone leaves a comment. Having an opinion means caring about that opinion and being actively ready to respond.

Thoughtful preparation is the key to addressing sensitive topics

Some degree of controversy is a known and expected part of being a business owner, though it’s more likely to be pushback on an invoice or difference of opinion about industry practices. When you feel strongly enough about an issue to take an important stand as a business owner, it can be an overwhelming step.

Whether you're avoiding it or embracing it, make sure you know where controversy fits into your marketing strategy or business values. Plan how you’ll publicly deal with the response to your stand in a way that feels right for you and your business. And remember, breathe. If it's important to you to take this stand and feel strongly that it's the right thing to do, don't let fear of backlash get in your way.