Karen C. Wilson | Marketing & Communications | Ottawa, Canada

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Content writing prompts: 5 ideas to ignite your imagination

Whether you have a natural talent for content writing or have embraced it as a marketing tool for your business, writer's block is a common challenge for business owners and professionals I connect with.

Constantly trying to come up with new ideas day in and day out can seem like a daunting task, and after a while it’s inevitable that you’ll experience moments where you find yourself staring at an empty page and a blinking cursor, trying to figure out what to write about.

On those days, I like to turn to the world of content prompts. For both myself and my clients, using creative writing prompts as a starting point for a blog or social media post can help to ignite the imagination. 

One prompt might jog your memory, reminding you about something you’ve been wanting to discuss. 

Another might provide you with a new way to approach a topic you’ve covered before. 

And another yet might give you a structured way to share your ideas and insights with your audience.

To support my clients, I share regular content prompts in my Magnificent Marketer’s Club. This collaborative online community is here to provide you with the marketing support and knowledge you need to grow your business and connect with your inner creative genius. 

Below I’ve compiled 5 writing prompts, originally shared in the Magnificent Marketer’s Club

Utilize these as part of your upcoming content calendar, and to get a feel for what’s available to you if you join the Club! 

01: Write an open letter with constructive feedback to a person or group.

I recently wrote about the power you have, even as a small business owner, to challenge the status quo in your industry

What change do you want to see? What’s your vision for your industry? An open letter can be a great way to share your thoughts and desires for transformation in a particular area.

Also included in your open letter should be why this change is so important, and how you see it happening. 

What’s not working? What could be done better? 

Share both your frustrations and your solutions, so that the letter is impactful and productive. 

Consider using a framework to help guide your feedback, such as:

  • Observation. Detail the situation from your perspective.

  • Impact. Share the result of the situation playing out this way.

  • Action. Describe an action(s) that can be taken to change the outcome in the future. 

  • Vision. Outline what that would look like, and what it would mean for your business, industry, or clients. 

Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind as you write: 

  • Be clear in what you're asking for and be sure to repeat it. 

  • Think about how you'd talk about this challenge with friends or colleagues. Take that approach so the letter is relatable and clear.

  • Simplicity is gold. Open letters are about generating attention and interest. If it's a complex issue, an open letter isn't a place where explanations will be effective.

  • Use storytelling to bolster your letter with a specific, relatable example of how the change you desire could make a difference.

  • Letters are typically professional, but empathy is helpful, too. Constructive feedback is all about wanting better for the person or group you're addressing, which is expressed more effectively with empathy.

Whether you share this letter on your blog or pull bits and pieces from it to share on social media, this prompt can lead to some content gold! It’s a great conversation starter, and will help your ideal audience find and connect with you on a more intimate, vulnerable level.

02 - Write an encouragement letter to a client who's had a rough time (real or imaginary).

You’re in business to support your clients. 

You created a product or crafted a service offering that relates to specific pain points your audience experiences, and through client sessions or customer feedback, you get a behind-the-scenes look at the impact your business is having on the individuals you support. 

By sharing some of the pain points your clients (or imaginary, ideal clients) are experiencing in your content, and offering your expert advice and encouragement, you can help to spark inspiration and hope in others.

Your words might provide the push an individual needs to book a season with you, or purchase your product. 

The letter might simply help someone know they aren’t alone in their experience. 

Or your vulnerable sharing and advice might deepen the level of trust your audience has with you, leading to future sales and business growth.

Regardless, this prompt is a great way to give back to your community. 

If you have a real client situation in mind, be sure to anonymize it and/or water down the details.

It can help to think about what you'd say as encouragement regarding the broad problem you solve for your clients and even give multiple specific examples of the impact the problem can have that may or may not apply to any particular client's situation.

In this way your audience can see themselves within your content, taking what resonates and leaving what doesn’t. 

Consider including the gift of a reflective affirmation in your letter if you'd like to further the level of support and inspiration it provides. 

03 - Inject personal anecdotes into a how-to article.

Most how-to articles are step-by-step overviews of how to get from point A to point B, to complete a task. 

We tend to write these articles in a very linear approach: providing the reader the information they need without embellishing it with any sort of story or vulnerability. And, in truth, there isn't much need for that. 

A fun exercise to get your creative juices flowing though, is to approach this traditional form of blog writing in a new way. 

Get away from the usual formula of how-to pieces and think about something you could share with your audience that's more meaningful than accomplishing a specific task with clearly defined steps.

Start with a personal story of why this particular how-to content matters to you and how the reader can benefit from taking the steps you took. Then, guide them through the steps you recommend. 

Make the how-to content more meaningful by adding caveats, personal insights, or suggestions to modify certain steps. 

Think about what a personal trainer might do to modify a workout for someone new to certain training activities. 

What modifications would you make based on different stages or circumstances that may apply to your audience?

04 - Compile a roundup of expert advice on a topic or group of related topics.

Creating content is easier when you get a little help from friends (or experts). 

Think about a group of experts whose audience has similar characteristics to your ideal client. Reach out to each of them and ask them to provide their perspective on a question you pose. 

Keep it simple so the ask isn't too big! 

Aim to include about 5 different responses in your content, along with your own commentary.

Be sure to promote the content through different marketing avenues including your email list, social media accounts, and on your blog to increase the potential traffic (people will also be more willing to contribute if they know the content is being utilized in multiple spots). 

Tag the experts you feature wherever possible so they're more likely to re-share your content on their own accounts. 

For this prompt you have the option to get your contributor’s thoughts on a single topic, or to leverage expertise in different, but related areas to provide high-level advice to your audience for an introductory piece of content. These are always a great jumping off point to go deeper in future content on each of the areas you cover.

05 - Share a moment of realization that changed your approach to helping others with your expertise.

As business owners and entrepreneurs, our companies tend to be constant works-in-progress. 

When you look back at the business you initially launched with, compared to the business you operate now, chances are there are a lot of differences. 

Maybe you’ve realized there are particular people that you like working with best, or even better, perhaps you had an “aha” moment about how best to share your expertise so people get it. 

Maybe you’ve altered your programs or products so they’re more effective – adding in or removing different features or modules to streamline the results. 

Whatever it might be, take what you learned in one of these moments of realization and share it with your audience. Help them understand why you’ve made these changes, the insights you came to from this realization, and how these changes ultimately benefit them.

This is a creative way to speak on your programs and offers in a non-salesy way. While it’s not a direct pitch, it showcases your dedication to your business and clients, highlights your expertise, and lets your audience know how you can support them if they decide to move forward with working with you.

Your vulnerability in sharing this behind-the-scenes look at your business can also further develop the feelings of trust your audience has with you. 

More prompts to inspire your content marketing 

These prompts aren’t meant to be prescriptive. My hope is that something within this post sparks an idea within you, that allows you to move forward with creating content in a new and inspired way. 

As I mentioned in my last post where I outlined 5 alternative content prompts you can use, you are free to interpret these prompts in any number of ways – creating content that’s serious, light, or empowering depending on your business, your audience, and your perspective. 

The length and type of content can also vary! 

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, and there’s definitely not one way to approach content.

Feeling inspired? Looking for more prompts to fill out the rest of next month’s content planning? The Magnificent Marketers Club is where you need to be! 

Immediately upon sign-up you’ll receive access to the library of content prompts (150+ and growing!), and you’ll be kept in the loop when future prompts and other marketing tips are posted.

Plus, you’ll be connected with other small business owners, and will be granted access to our monthly AMA About Marketing Sessions as well as our monthly Content Jam Co-Working Sessions. 

Learn more and sign-up today! I can’t wait to see you inside.