Posts tagged Business coach
Business books that you likely don’t need to read

In the business world there are certain rights of passage often promoted as being “required” of entrepreneurs and business owners who want to be successful. From business books, to hustle culture mentalities, to marketing yourself in specific ways, you’ve likely felt pressured in some way or another to conform to a certain way of being in order to get your business out into the world. 

And while there are plenty of “successful” people advocating for these very restrictive entrepreneurial guidelines, I appreciate when people push back on some of the widely accepted narratives and approaches to business. So, let’s talk about some folks that aren’t in this category and why they shouldn’t be considered essential reading.

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Small But Mighty Episode 12: Lara Wellman on building business to fit the life you want

One of the great things about Lara Wellman is that she’s a business coach who’s real. There’s no artifice or pretense in her approach to helping her clients and the community she’s spent years building. The Biz Studio is exactly what it sounds like—a place to design your business with the expert advice of someone who’s been there. In this episode, we discuss the journey Lara’s been on for over 12 years from retail to coach and why changing your focus isn’t a sign of failure.

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