5 reasons I love teaching people about marketing (and why you need to learn more about it)

Having been in the marketing world for over a decade now, I know that marketing doesn’t always excite business owners as much as it does me. 

More often than not, business owners fall into marketing because of their business, and not because they are genuinely interested in marketing or have marketing expertise they’re dying to share.

I get it. You’re already wearing a number of hats for your business, and now you suddenly need to also become an expert in graphic design, copywriting, video editing, photography and Tik Tok dances?! 

Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that. 

But, getting clear on a marketing path that makes sense for your business goals, and honing in on skills like connecting with your audience, strategizing, and sharing valuable information in easily digestible ways, will allow your business to experience growth like never before. 

And there is truly nothing I enjoy more than helping accidental marketers find joy in marketing by making it easier for them. 

Here are 5 reasons I love teaching people about marketing (and why you need to learn more about it). 

Marketing makes it easier to grow your business

You likely started your business because you discovered a problem that needed solving, or have a unique set of skills to share with the world. 

If you have an established business, then it follows that customers are giving you money in exchange for your knowledge, skills, and solutions.

Whether your sights are set on creating more impact by helping more people or making more money (spoiler: they go hand-in-hand), one of your business goals needs to be company growth. 

Marketing makes this growth much easier. Every time you produce valuable content keeping your ideal client in mind, you’re providing new opportunities for potential customers to connect with and learn from your brand. 

More relevant connection and exposure with your audience means more leads funnelling into your business, which over time also leads to more customers. 

Think of marketing like the top of your funnel, helping you gather new insights, feedback, and community around your company mission and offers. 

Marketing is an essential discipline to running a successful business

If people don’t know who you are, they can’t buy from you. We know this. It’s why large brands like Apple and Nike have such a hold on the marketplace; they’re household names and have become defaults for consumers when they need a new phone or pair of running shoes. 

Even if you don’t support these particular brands, chances are you had to do some active research to find alternatives. 

Regardless of if you have goals of building a worldwide brand or not, brand awareness is key in growing your business to whatever level you desire. 

Marketing not only builds that initial brand awareness, but allows you to educate your audience on why your product or service is a good fit for them, how they can support themselves and mitigate their pain points even before purchasing from you, and how they can purchase from you when they’re ready. 

Through continued marketing you’re also able to develop a deeper sense of trust with your audience so they continue to come back – whether it’s for more information, to ask questions, or to purchase something else. 

You’re essentially establishing a platform for continued awareness and connection with your customers which is incredibly powerful for long-term business success.

There are so many myths about marketing that I want to debunk

Marketing has a bad reputation, but that’s partially because of how many misconceptions there are that cause it to appear more daunting than it is. What if I told you that:

Can you feel yourself start to breathe a little bit deeper? Marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming, time-consuming or all-encompassing. Instead it can be fun and easy and aligned! 

If you don't understand marketing, you'll struggle to do it in a way that gets the full value out of it

You'll get much more out of your efforts if you understand the power of marketing to build momentum and growth in your business.

Throwing things at the wall to see what sticks (spaghetti marketing) is never a good way to approach your marketing strategy. While you might have success here and there, building a successful business is about sustainability (while still remaining flexible). 

You need to get to know the ins and outs of your audience, the content that resonates most, and the posts that result in your desired conversions. 

If you’re simply guessing, you’ll never have the clarity you need to build an appropriate strategy for growth. 

Instead, I like to help my clients see the importance of exploring and evaluating their data, so they can make decisions that support a strategic, realistic marketing plan that excites them and benefits their company's success. 

If you hate marketing, you'll never want to give it the attention it needs to work for you

Let’s be honest, when we’re overwhelmed, unclear, or frustrated with something, we don’t want to give it the time of day. 

We avoid it, and then get annoyed when it’s not working (even though it’s not working because we haven’t taken the proper steps and given it enough time to work). 

Marketing is often the scapegoat for business goals that don’t come to fruition. 

If business growth isn’t happening within the timeline envisioned or sales aren’t converting as fast as desired, it’s easy to blame, and therefore hate, marketing.

But what if instead of deciding to turn our backs on marketing as a whole, we accepted that the only reason we aren’t getting the results we desire is because our marketing strategy simply needs a couple of tweaks or a little more time and attention? 

I love to provide these mindset shifts, reframes, and suggestions for my clients because it opens up a world of possibilities. 

You aren’t doing anything wrong, the plan that you’re following just might not be the right one for your business! Allow yourself to play, explore, and learn. There are just as many right ways to practice marketing in a business as there are unique businesses.

If you can start to remove negative biases and misconceptions about marketing, and approach it with a fresh set of eyes, you’re able to see the opportunity and potential it holds for sharing your message and offerings with the world. 

When you approach marketing in this way, you’ll also have a greater understanding of how to strategically put out content that communicates your message, and you’ll see results much quicker in your business. 

I’d love to support you in learning more about how marketing can help transform your business, either through 1:1 support, or my Magnificent Marketer’s Club and community!