Posts tagged business intelligence
The DOs and DON'Ts of automation

While you’re likely always going to have to do some things you don’t love in your business, if you’re spending all of your limited resources on tasks that are draining your energy, your motivation to work on your business is going to wane quickly.

Automation can support you in saving your time and energy, easily generating data, and improving customer or user experience. However, automation is also one of those things that can be a curse when done poorly.

Here are a few differentiating factors to help you determine what to automate, and what’s best left done manually.

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On ethics and empathy in marketing

I love marketing. Especially content and product marketing, which are the two most essential disciplines on a marketing team. As much as I love marketing, I’m very aware of the sometimes predatory nature of my chosen profession. Not all marketers or businesses do shady things to get ahead. In fact, most don’t. But we also don’t call out the problems enough.

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