Posts in Business
Business books that you likely don’t need to read

In the business world there are certain rights of passage often promoted as being “required” of entrepreneurs and business owners who want to be successful. From business books, to hustle culture mentalities, to marketing yourself in specific ways, you’ve likely felt pressured in some way or another to conform to a certain way of being in order to get your business out into the world. 

And while there are plenty of “successful” people advocating for these very restrictive entrepreneurial guidelines, I appreciate when people push back on some of the widely accepted narratives and approaches to business. So, let’s talk about some folks that aren’t in this category and why they shouldn’t be considered essential reading.

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How to build demand for your business: 6 steps to take to generate more interest and sales

In marketing and business, we talk a lot about how to build demand for your services and solutions. In fact, larger marketing teams have dedicated professionals working specifically on demand generation. But what exactly does that mean?

Regardless of the tactics used, demand generation refers to any activity that drives awareness and interest in your offer. From the moment of awareness to the moment of purchase, every touchpoint with your audience can lead to increased demand.

Here’s how to take advantage of those touch-points to build demand and interest for your company.

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Challenge the status quo with your business—in good faith

Hardly a day goes by where we don’t hear about a new change Elon Musk has made to the world of tech. 

And while these changes are often framed (at least by Musk) as “advancements” to the industry, many critics (myself included) are wary of the impact of these – often seemingly abrupt and impulsive – changes.

Because while there’s no doubt Musk is challenging the status quo in all of the industries he has his hand in, my concern is that he’s doing it to build his ego, not for the benefit of society.

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The problem with techniques and templates that oversimplify your business

There are endless resources online for those looking to ‘up’ their marketing game: templates to hone in on your target audience, specific formulas you can follow to grow your social media account or increase your email list, and techniques for getting clear on where and how you should be showing up online, to name a few.

And, while there’s nothing wrong with the intention behind these resources, there are a few issues that tend to come up when business owners rely too heavily on them. 

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A few of my favourite productivity and creativity tools for small business owners

To build a successful business you need to focus on sustainability.

To support you in your pursuit to accomplish more in your business, without running yourself into the ground, I’ve compiled a few of my favourite productivity and creativity helpers. 

I use these frequently in my business and with my clients for increased efficiency, and to help ensure I have a more manageable workload!

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